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In the Philippines, the national forum held its annual meeting between July 29 and Aug. 1 in Davao on the southern island of Mindanao. Much of the time was devoted to making plans for programs in the upcoming year. The national forum members decided, for instance, to hold a mini-SOP for two weeks in February next year in Cotabato City that will help them expand their national network beyond Mindanao. They also discussed holding a one-week workshop on journalism for education and advocacy in July 2017 prior to next year’s national forum meeting. At the conclusion of this program, the national forum hopes to create a communications team that can produce videos, photographs and articles for education and advocacy for issues related to justpeace in the country. The national forum also agreed to participate in this year’s regional campaign by Interfaith Cooperation Forum (ICF) to share the insights of children about peace to commemorate the U.N. International Day of Peace on Sept. 21. The contribution of the national forum in the Philippines will be to produce a video of interviews with grassroots children about what peace means to them. At the conclusion of the meeting, the national forum elected a new national coordinator— Abdurazaq Madale. ~ Max Ediger, Director of ICF & Bruce Van Voorhis, Coordinator of ICF National GATN TrainingThe YMCA of Albay, Inc. hosted the Global Alternative Tourism Network (GATN) Training with the collaboration of Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs (APAY) and the YMCA Philippines which was held last July 8-10, 2016 at Mayon Backpacker’s Hostel, Legazpi City, Albay, Philippines. The National GATN Training was participated with a total of twenty one (21) participants, together with an international delegate, Mr. Stefan Diwan low Tzu Yang, from YMCA Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Local participants in the training were from YMCAs of Albay, Baguio, Los Baños, Manila, Downtown Manila, Pangasinan, and Quezon City. The training culminated successfully because of the active participation of the delegates during the discussions on Alternative Tourism. They have highlighted the needs to promote and strategies to strengthen ties between local communities and global citizenship. Albay is considered as one of the places where the main objective of Alternative Tourism can be shown by promoting community-based tourism through community exposure. Sessions started with a morning devotion led by Ms. Dorothy Joy Barcenas from YMCA of Albay, Inc. and Mr. Pablito Tabucol, the NGS Philippines, welcomed and introduced the participants and outlined the training matrix and schedule. Mr. CHAN Beng Seng Chan from APAY and Mr. Juanito Bacani from YMCA Pangasinan were the main facilitators for the training. We learned that Mass Tourism is developing at an alarming rate with the advancement in air travel and globalization, thus, raises serious questions on sustainability of the environment and our cultural heritage. Mr. Jimmy Bacani shared that GATN is Community-Based Tourism where community development is a tool being used to strengthen the ability of rural communities to manage tourism resources while ensuring local community’s participation as well as benefiting from the activities. Mr. Chan also added that the GATN is also a big help to YMCA through mobilizing available resources and programs for Movement Building, Youth Empowerment, Global Citizenship, Community Development and Income Generation. After the discussions, it was then followed by a workshop. It is hoped that through GATN, we can change tourism by
On the second day, participants were given an opportunity to engage and witness how tourism is being steered in Albay. We were able to see the Majestic Mayon Volcano which painted smiles on their face. We also witnessed how a fishing community near Embarcadero de Legazpi was hidden behind a large wall to bar them from coming close to the scenic sites of the place. It stirred some issues that became part of a fruitful discussion. On the last day of the training, participants worked at developing alternative tourism sites in their respective areas. Each YMCA then shared their proposed Alternative Tourism Sites and the marketing strategies they plan to use for their own GATN program. The training culminated with a short program led by the National General Secretary and each YMCA chapter was given an opportunity to share their experiences in line with the 3-day activity. Awarding of certificate and token to all participants followed. Participants bid farewell with smile on their faces as they once again saw the Majestic Mayon Volcano in the last day of their training in Albay.
~ Dorothy Barcenas, YMCA Albay APAY Green TeamThe APAY Green Team has been reconstituted this year with the commencement of the new APAY Quadrennial. The members of the APAY Green Team for this quadrennial are Ms. Patcharin Aviphan (Thailand), Ms. Sol Marie Ucab (Philippines), Mr. Lee Man Key (Hong Kong), Dr. Surajit Sahu (India), Mr. Kim Kyung Min (Korea), Ms. Rita Hettiarachchi (Y’s Men Int. Sri Lanka), Mr. Colin Lambie (Y’s Men Int. Australia), Mr. Nam Boo Won (APAY) and Mr. Duncan Chowdhury (APAY) who is the related secretary of the Team. The APAY Green Team is responsible for the environmental programs of APAY. It promotes the formation of Green Teams at the YMCAs and encourages the YMCAs of our region to be actively involved in green activities to protect to the environment. The APAY Green Team also organizes the APAY Green Ambassadors Trainings both at regional and national level. The APAY Green YMCA Award program also falls under the purview of the APAY Green Team. This committee also administers the APAY Green Fund for environmental projects materialized purely for carbon emissions. ~ Duncan Chowdhury, APAY Executive Secretary Young people creating global impact with Osaka YMCAWhilst world leaders often come together to discuss solutions to global issues, the views of young people are not necessarily heard. But what if there was a platform for them to debate and find solutions themselves? From 7 – 11 July this year, over 100 young leaders from around the world gathered to raise their voices in Japan at the Osaka YMCA Global Youth Conference (GYC). The five day event was cultural experience with a mix of serious debate and problem solving. Through workshops on the refugee crisis, media rights, and online privacy – young participants developed global solutions which are representative of a worldwide community. “It was amazing to see the similarities and differences of views, especially on topics such as press freedom,” said Dominic Pangrazio, Associate Director of the Osaka YMCA Global Department. “Despite these, everyone worked well together to workshop ideas for change, and agree on global resolutions together.” After plenty of discussion, participants gathered for the finale of the GYC – a general assembly where everyone had a chance to vote for resolutions to the issue of press freedom. Whilst Australians, Americans, and many others agreed with that all press should be free, others from Singapore and China were quick to disagree. “The government has been a voice for peace in my country, and the media regulations have meant our society has continued to be the way it is,” said Keefe, participant from Singapore. After two hours of discussion, all resolutions were passed with some amendments – showing how young people can come together and work out their differences. Now, it’s time for change. “The GYC is open to all young people who are passionate about creating a better world and want become global citizens – but may not know how,” said Dominic. “Through our social enterprise imitative, Osaka YMCA will be providing funding to participants who have ideas for change in their communities. We hope that they can change the world for the better – and be local leaders creating global impact.” To find out more about the GYC, visit ~ Calcum Smyth, YMCA Victoria in Australia Visit to Myitkyina YMCA and its ongoing Kachin Drug Rehabilitation Project (KDRP) in response to prevalent drug addition of young peopleA visit to Myitkyina, Kachin State, was made from 16th to 18th July by Mr. Nam Boo Won, GS of APAY, to observe the ongoing Kachin Drug Rehabilitation Project (KDRP) implemented by Myitkyina YMCA. The visit was kindly accompanied by Mr. Maung Maung Win, NGS of Myanmar YMCA and Ms. Daw Lu Ja, Treasurer of the National YMCA. Upon our arrival at Myitkyina YMCA, there was a warm welcome by the Myitkyina YMCA board including Mr. Saw George Makklar, President and Mr. Gun Shawng, General Secretary. During the meeting with board members, Miss Khon Mai, Executive Secretary in charge of the KDRP presented an impressive report on the project: current economic , social and environmental situation in Hpakant jade mining area; the YMCA’s work to seek alternatives for drug-addicted youth such as counseling, job training and prevention campaign through drama; achievements and limitations of the project; and future plans. We visited two drug rehabilitation centers – All Nation Drug Rehabilitation Center and The Light of the World KBC Rehabilitation Center. Therein, we witnessed the struggles of not only the operators of the centers for helping the addicts, but also young inmates who tried to overcome their drug addiction with the support of the facility operators. During the dialogue with the facility managers, we recognized that it is really difficult to get out of the ‘vicious circle’ of poverty, a get-rich-quick dream at mining, a temptation to easily accessible drugs and falling into poverty again. We also found there is strong need for a stricter control of the drug use which has been widespread partly due to corruption and government mal-functioning. There was also an opportunity to visit a Kachin Baptist Church-run IDP (Internally Displaced Peoples) Camp near Myitkyina city. It was an eye-opening visit through which I was able to witness the harsh life struggles gone through by those people displaced against their wish by the prolonged civil war between Kachin Independence Army and Myanmar government military force. I realized the long-standing ethnic minority issues in Myanmar need prime attention not only from the newly elected democratic government, but also international GOs and NGOs working for humanitarian causes, including world YMCA family. During the visit, a dialogue meeting with the YMCA Youth English Conversation Club members was organized to share political situation and social issues affecting young people in Kachin state. It was very impressive to discuss with YMCA young people, most of whom are graduates or currently in universities or colleges, on their perspectives of their nation and society as well as their dreams and aspirations for their communities and country. Many of them expressed frustrations of the difficult situation they face with, and at the same time high expectations on their democratically elected government. They were very active, willing to learn from each other and eager to contribute to their communities with their God-given talents. I appreciate very much Myitkyina YMCA and National Council of YMCAs of Myanmar for organizing this meaningful visitation to the YMCA, its valuable work and also to the realities of the people and community. Special thanks go to Y’s Men International for its continuous willing support for the KDRP implemented by Myitkyina YMCA.
~ Nam Boo Won, APAY General Secretary APAY Publishes 19th General Assembly ReportThe Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs is pleased to announce the publication of the book “Anchored on our Rock: Building a Sustainable Future” the final report of the 19th General Assembly of APAY, held during 7-11 September 2015 at Daejeon City, Korea. This 168 page report is a compilation of all papers presented at the General Assembly by the distinguished resource persons, including the keynote address, biblical reflections of the daily devotions, Assembly Mandate, Resolution of Cheorwon Peace Conference, Youth Assembly Mandate, acceptance speeches, summaries of Strategic Dialogues, work group sessions and workshops, list of participants, etc. This book is available for all national movements for free, however, the mailing costs needs to be borne by the national movements. To order your copy please contact, Ms. Irene Chan at
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