1. Global Citizenship Training Focuses on Promoting and Integrating GCE in YMCA youth work 2. China YMCA Responds to Qinghai Earthquake victims 3. Indonesia Y Begins Post Earthquake Rehab Programme in Padang 4. APAY Youth Council 2010, 14-16 July (right before the IYF) 5. YMCA Global Alternative Tourism Network (GATN) 6. International YMCA Youth Work Camp in East Timor 7. News and Updates from our Movements ~ 8. Ecumenical News...Our Partners...and Networks 9. Congratulations! APAY Treasurer appointed Y's Men International Secretary General 10. Call for Forming YMCA Green Team 11. 2010 YMCA World Urban Network, Hong Kong 12. Youth in Focus Column - YMCA Young Writers Needed! 13. World Council (WC) Updates 14. Forthcoming Events/Meetings 15. From the Desk of the General Secretary...A Shift for a New Culture of YMCA Movements
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