APAY e-News No. 7 Nov-Dec 2010

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Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs


APAY e-News No.7 Nov-Dec 2010

e-News Contents

1. From the Desk of the General Secretary
2. YMCA Fellow for Youth Campaign
3. North East Asia YMCA Forum
4. Our Works on Movement Strengthening...
5. Updates! Updates! Updates!
6. S2S Campaign Continues
7. APAY Youth Intern
8. Our Movements Updates...
9. APAY Holds 3rd Asia-Pacific Uni-Y Regional Conference
10. Sri Lanka YMCA Hosts School of Peace
11. Executive Committee Meeting (ECM) 2011
12. Our Partners ... Our Networks...
13. In Memoriam: Remembering them in our prayers...
14. Forthcoming Events/Meetings

More Infomation...

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