APAY e-News July 2012

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Monthly eNewsletter of the Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs

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Monthly eNewsletter of the Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs July 2012

YPLD sharing p - 1

APAY GS message p - 2

World Environment Day event in New Delhi p - 3

Tina’s Wedding p - 3

47th AGM of the NCY of Sri Lanka p - 4

New General Secretary of YMCA of Hong Kong p - 5

13 Jul - 15 Jul: Resource Mobilization Workshop (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)

17 Jul - 22 Jul: 4th YMCA Regional Youth Conference (Singapore)

7 Aug - 12 Aug: GCE ToT (Sri Lanka)

5 Nov - 30 Nov: Advanced Studies Program


Youth Participation and Leadership Development
“Through My Youthful Eyes”


As I’m writing this, I’m 23, Thai, a student filmmaker, a classical guitar teacher, a man with some expe-riences in the entertainment industry as a singer. I’m a media pro-ducer, whose role is more likely to cre-ate “drama” than to reflect the happen-ings in community. Then what good am I in YMCA? I know from the bottom of my heart that being as I am isn’t enough to persuade you into seeing the world as it is, without bias.

As you read the above statement, you may be started to form the negative im-pression. What I did was an attempt to catch your eyes. Media do this all the time, with or without notion. Being on the other end of the process of commu-nication, we just have to be conscious enough to be aware of that.

Media makes drama because people en-joy it. However, for me it’s important for my actors to realize the definition of “drama” as “to imitate life”. If this real-ly is the case then perhaps living with these dramas is the fact of life. Full stop. If we understand this, then there are plenty of reasons for YMCA to co-exist with the mainstream media. Once we understand the role of media, perhaps the next step is for YMCA to educate media producers like myself.

I’m lucky to have the opportunity to ex-press my point of view which I have al-ways felt that it’s a necessity. Imagine, when the TV is turned on, a person re-ceived so much information that made him sick. So he turned off the TV and switched back on to his life. Then he looked back and realized that he had made such a contribution so he wanted to relax a little bit. He turned the TV back on. Perhaps that would be just the time for him hear about YMCA.


Nattaphon Sakulvanaporn

“Youth Participation and Leadership Development (YPLD) Committee” is committed to promote global citizenship. Young people from 27 countries are rep-resented in our committee. The Commit-tee encourages young people to step up and voice out their ideas.

Therefore, starting from this APAY enewsletter, YPLD members shall share their observations and views about the social issues around us, in YMCAs and even around their communities.

In this first issue, we have Nattaphon Sakulvanaporn, YPLD committee member from Thailand who is also a young and bright film director to share his story.

From the Desk of the General Secretary
Empowering Young People




APAY Youth Committee comprises of 12 youth members. The Youth Committee proposed the idea of Youth Representatives (we call Youth Reps) who are nominated by each National Movement (two persons from each movement and a total of 40-45 young staff/volunteers). The Youth Committee members often felt that whatever they discussed and wanted to do could not be done in their own situation since they are all alone. Therefore they proposed that two Youth Reps could be selected from each of the national movement and those decisions by the Youth Committee would be shared and carried out in their Local and National YMCAs through them. In this way, those Youth Reps could put more impact on national/local policies and promoting programs for youth empowerment. We hope that youth voices could reflect more on the policy makers in the Local/ National/ Regional and Global YMCAs, if we work through the Youth Reps.

The theme of the 18th World Council Meetings of the World Alliance of YMCAs scheduled to be held during June-July 2014 in USA will be “Empowering Young People”. The World Alliance decided to recruit and train 200 “Change Agents” from most of the national movements all over the world. This is an investment for the future leadership. They will be trained in each region and expected to conduct various creative programs for youth before the World Council Meetings in 2014. We hope the participants

would feel the power and energy of the Change Agents throughout the World Council. They will see many empowered young people from YMCAs all over the world. Social media could be another important tool for youth empowerment. The young people through the usage of social media could demonstrate the impacts to YMCAs and society.

The World Alliance “Change Agents” and APAY “Youth Reps” are the same. 20-25% of the Change Agents shall be from 20 national movements of APAY. The first training session shall take place in August 2012 to learn more about Global Citizenship Education. Then they shall implement programs reflecting their leanings in their own communities, first in their respective local YMCAs and then at national level. All these activities will be shared amongst the Youth Reps throughout the year. The

second training will be held in summer 2013. Some of them may attend the trainings in the other areas. Our Youth Reps will all be invited as Change Agents to the 18th World Council Meetings in 2014. They will demonstrate how youth could be more empowered, what kind of programs would empower young people and they will showcase whatever they have done in their own movements. In the final year 2015, they will lead our General Assembly and plan for the future directions for further development in the youth leadership.

I have a vision. Those Youth Reps would become leaders in many YMCAs locally as well as globally. We all understand that the YMCA needs to invest now for the tomorrow’s leadership strategically. Soon, the APAY Youth Reps will be moving for their first step in Sri Lanka. Then they will merge into the Change Agents of the World Alliance. We have high hope to see the global dynamic changes amongst the next generation YMCAs.                         KOHEI YAMADA

New Delhi YMCA Observes World Environment Day

New Delhi YMCA, on 5 June organized a colloquy on this year’s World Environment Day theme: “Green Economy : Does it include you?” For several years now, New Delhi YMCA, as part of its civil society involvement have been providing a plat-form for dialogue, debate and discussions on subjects that impact ordinary lives. The UNEP designated WED theme emphasizes the im-portance of “Green Economy” as one whose growth in income and employment is driven by public and private investment that reduce car-bon emissions and pollution, enhance energy and resource efficiency and prevent the loss of biodiversity and ecosystem services.


Wedding Ceremony of Ms. Cristina Dalope

The matrimonial ceremony of Ms. Cristina Dalope, for-mer Executive Secretary of APAY with Mr. Andre Mamaril took place on June 23, 2012 at Pangasinan, Philippines. We wish them A Happy Conjugal Life!








YMCA World Challenge 2012: Hoop Springs Eternal

The aim of YMCA World Challenge is to tell the YMCA story by mobiliz-ing 5 MILLION people on the same day. Start your YMCA World Chal-lenge Plans now, and let the world know your activities. Together, let us make history this coming 2012.



Movement Updates

 YMCA of Hong Kong Welcomes New General Secretary / CEO

Mr. Aldrin Leung has been appointed as the new General Secretary/CEO of the “The Salisbury” YMCA of Hong Kong with effect from July 1, 2012. He joined the YMCA as the General Manager in 1991. Mr. Leung has obtained Doctoral Degree in Business Administration (DBA) from Lincoln University of USA; Master Degree in Business Administration (MBA) from Newport University of USA; Associate Degree in Science from University of Hawaii of USA and Certi-fied Hotel Administrator (CHA) from American Hotel and Lodging Association.


Farewell to Albert Ching, General Secretary of YMCA of Singapore

Mr. Albert Ching General Secretary of YMCA of Singapore has left his position of General Secretary with effect from 30th June 2012. He is planning to pursue on a new career but will continue to associate himself with YMCA as a Board Director. He has served the YMCA for the last 7 ½ years and immensely contributed to the development of the YMCA. Under his stewardship, the YMCA grew from an or-ganization with a modest annual turnover of $8.4 million in 2005 to $19 million in 2011, increasing its capacity to serve others as God’s channel of blessing.

We commend his invaluable contributions to the YMCA of Singapore through his leadership, governance initiatives and new program ideas that made a significant impact not only to their members but to the communities at large and to the Global YMCA Movement. We would like to thank Albert for his support for the APAY programs, both financially and with technical expertise.

47th AGM of the NCY of Sri Lanka

The 47th Annual General Meeting of the National Council of YMCAs of Sri Lanka was held during 25th - 26th May 2012 at Subodhi Retreat Centre in Piliyandala hosted by Moratuwa YMCA. Bishop Emeritus Rt. Rev. Kenneth Fernando was the Chief Guest, who delivered the key note address at the AGM. Mr. Felician Thayalaraj Francis was re- elected as the President of the Council Mr. Nirmal de Fonseka and Mr. Philip Damion also re- elected as Vice Presidents of the Council for the present tenure. While congratulating all the Office Bearers, we hope and pray that they shall be able to steer the movement successfully to-wards prosperity.

Rolland Williams Elected as President of the National Council of YMCAs of India

The Triennial Convention of the National Council of YMCAs of India held on 8 – 10 June, 2012 in Visakhapatnam, AP elected new leadership for the YMCAs of India for the period 2012-15. Mr. Rolland Williams (Visakhapatnam) has been elected as National President.

The Convention which was attended by about 1300 participants including 200 young people called upon the Indian YMCA movement to once again put the primacy on youth and provide opportunities for their leadership growth and in-volve them in critical decision-making as co-partners.

GCE ToT in Sri Lanka

According to our documents circulated to the National Movements on May 9th, the Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs will soon be conducting the Global Citizenship Education Training of Trainers (GCE TOT) for the Na-tional Youth Representatives from each movement on 6 – 12 August 2012. Those youth representatives will also be invited to attend the Stragetic Planning Meeting orga-nized by APAY, and also to participate in the NCY Sri Lanka’s 50th Anniversary on 11th, August.

This GCE ToT is a training intended for those selected National Youth Representatives on-ly. Once they attended the training, they shall continue to be advocates of Global Citizen-ship Education and initiate in actions in their respective YMCAs. Registration processes is still open and please address your registra-tions to office@asiapacificymca.org .

Applications for 30th Advanced Studies Program (ASP)

Applications are now open for suitably qualified professional secretaries for selection to participate in the 30th Advanced Studies Program (ASP). It will be held from November 5 to November 30, 2012 (Arrival on November 4, Departure on December 1) at the Chinese YMCA Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village, Hong Kong. All selected participants are required to pay the mandatory Registration Fee of US$350 and Green Fund of US$15. The Participation Fee is US$1,600 covering board and lodging & programme costs.

Closing date for application is 31 July 2012. Details have been circulated to National Movements, and posted on the APAY website.

ATTENTION! National Movements
We request the National Movements of YMCAs in our region to send us reports of YMCA events that take place in their respective movements. Reports with pictures could be sent to office@asiapacificymca.org .

Not interested any more?