
Last Updated (Thursday, 05 May 2022 15:48)


“Climate Action Challenge 2022”

“EarthHour2EarthDay” challenge has been organized for the second year as a 28-day Climate Action Challenge, starting from “Earth Hour” on 26 March to “Earth Day'' on 22 April 2022. Each day, APAY uploaded a challenge to commit to the following day.

The challenge has provided interesting and challenging ideas on how our personal actions and habits can help to save our mother earth.

Some challenges were:

-Walking 10,000 steps along with picking up 10 trashes on the way;

-Eating healthy every Monday;

-Using public transportation;

-Turning off electrical appliances when not in use, unplugging them as much as possible;

-Avoiding food and clothing waste.

There were 116 people participating in the challenge as an individual and group. We are truly happy that the participants committed themselves to acts of personal mitigation and adaptation on climate change through the challenge.

Attached photos:

Day 1. 26 March

YMCA Mongolia, Earth Hour: Switch off your lights for an hour at 8:30-9:30 pm.

Day 5. 30 March

Kachinland college, Walk, ride the bike or use public transport to your work.

Day 4.  April 7

Sharon Rodrigues, manager at Metropolitan YMCA Singapore collected rain water in a pail. After that, she watered the plants and cleaned the corridor with rain water.

Day 28. April 22.

YMCA of Albay, Inc. “Earth Day” celebration.

Everyone can contribute to reducing global warming with just a little effort.

Lastly, We are truly grateful for all the participants who took part in and completed the challenges. The challenge itself greatly requires patience and commitment from us.

We hope our participants will make longer commitments and continue to do some challenges in their daily life.

If you would like to learn more about the challenge, please visit the Asia Pacific YMCA Facebook page. Search: #EarthHour2EarthDay ; #YMCA_ClimateDefender ; #Change4 Climate

We are all in this together. Let’s commit together to make a significant impact.

Urangoo Khongorzul