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Initiative Taken By YMCA Cuttack to form a New YMCA in Khordha

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YMCA Cuttack, is the second oldest YMCA in the Eastern India Region of YMCAs. Understanding the responsibility towards strengthening the YMCA movement in its region, the Board of YMCA Cuttack took an initiative to motivate and inspire the Christian youth members of Baptist Church, Khordha, to form a new YMCA at Khordha.

On 6th September, 2024, Mr. Sujit Pani and Mr. Sanjay Kumar Mohanty, Board Members of YMCA Cuttack and Er. Alok Kumar Sahu, Secretary of YMCA Cuttack along with Mr. Jaydip Sarker, Regional Secretary of the Eastern India Region of YMCAs attended a meeting arranged by Mr. Rajendra Kumar Acharya, the Secretary of Baptist Church, Khordha. The meeting started with a word of prayer at 7:00 PM in the community hall of Baptist Church, Khordha. Around 40 youths and elders of Baptist Church, Khordha attended the meeting. The attendees were briefed about the history, structure, vision and mission of the YMCA. They were also briefed about the programs and activities of YMCA Cuttack through which they can project the values of Christian principles beyond the Christian community. The adhoc committee was formed after which the meeting was concluded with a word of prayer and benediction followed by fellowship dinner.

By Er. Alok Kumar Sahu, SecretaryIn-charge O/o General Secretary, YMCA Cuttack