j4age Activation

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The Gender Equity Committee met online to chart out the 16 Days of Activism against GBV

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On September 26, 2024, from 4 PM to 6 PM HKT, ten members participated in an online meeting. The meeting began with a word of prayer by Dr. Betsy Williams. The primary focus was to plan the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, scheduled from November 25 to December 10. The discussion centered on creating safe spaces and ending gender-based violence, with various activities proposed to engage members and YMCAs across the Asia Pacific region.

Committee members were given a structured format to share their ideas for observing the 16 Days of Activism, which included:

  • Proposing an activity
  • Detailing the contents/process of the activity
  • Providing the rationale behind the activity
  • Outlining implementation steps
  • Discussing potential impacts

Members contributed innovative ideas to creatively engage YMCAs in the APAY region. Additionally, they expressed concerns about ongoing conflicts and violence worldwide, urging YMCAs to advocate for peace in affected areas.

The GEC decided to invite all YMCAs in the APAY region to participate in creating safe spaces and ending gender-based violence. The meeting was moderated by the chairperson Marshia Mili Gomes.