Global Citizenship Education (GCE) Training of Trainers (ToT)

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Last Updated (Wednesday, 31 March 2010 15:44)

Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs
Global Citizenship Education (GCE) Training of Trainers (ToT)
General Programme Information

What is Global Citizenship (GC)?
Global Citizenship is both an awareness and act of commitment rooted in the spirit of global consciousness and interconnectedness of the world. It recognises the need to understand global realities and social responsibilities and motivates the people to develop mindset as citizens of the world with human and ethical values. It promotes the collective community social responsibilities and actions towards justice, peace and sustainability of life by citizens as change agents.


What is GCE ToT?

  • A response to the call of translating the concepts of various Global Citizenship into action
  • It is an effective tool to develop the skills, knowledge and understanding of global citizenship and social responsibility that can provide the participants with more space for exposure and engagement to implement the GCE programme.
  • This is an initial step as a learning experience by these participants namely YMCA Youth Volunteers and Youth Staff/Related Staff for better awareness of global issues to act as agents of change in their own communities, the society at large and within their own YMCAs

Why the GCE ToT?

  • To foster deeper understanding and appreciation of the YMCA Global Citizenship conceptual framework in relation to globalization development perspective
  • To motivate and support participants to act as multipliers in promoting and integrating GCE in YMCA youth work and community development programmes
  • To experience the process of connecting perspectives on relevant issues at local and national levels, to sub-regional, regional and global perspectives
  • To equip youth and staff with practical skills and competencies for them to start their GC local actions


Programme Contents and Methodology

The learning process will include theories/inputs, skills workshops and practical sessions on:

  1. Lecture/Input presentations on related topics
  2. Panel presentations/Case studies related to Global Citizenship Actions done by various National/local YMCAs in APAY and other NGOs
  3. Community immersion/Exposures
  4. Skills Workshops
  5. Planning for GCE local action in their given context

The whole process will be inter-active and participant-driven. Focus will be on developing organizational and leadership skills for YMCA staff and youth leaders/volunteers for implementing GCE.

The team of trainers and resource persons invited will provide education/mentoring support for the development of the GCE project ideas and for the planning of the projects.


Pre-training Preparation

The participants are required to study and review the statements and documents of APAY’s Global Citizenship.

The GCE local/national action plan is one of the major components and expected outcome of this ToT. Participants are expected to identify and develop during the training ~ by local YMCA or in partnership with other participants ~ and to implement after the training. The project can take multiple forms but should have one common aim: to follow-up this training by introducing GCE within the youth work projects or participants.

Therefore, participants are also expected to have pre-planning and consultation with their respective local/national YMCAs. They have to develop a draft plan of GCE relevant to their context for discussion and sharing.


Date: May 25 – 30, 2010 (May 25 ~ Arrival/May 30 ~ Departure)
Venue: Sao Jose Convention Center, Estrada de Choc Van S/N Coloane, Macau
Tel. No (+853) 28881165
Host YMCA: Macau YMCA
Target Participants: 30-40 YMCA youth leaders/youth workers/staff
(1 youth and 1 staff from each movement)


Participant Selection Criteria:

~ Participants must have experience in YMCA programmes working with and for young people and are willing to commit and share what they have learnt with these youth on issues related to GC in their YMCA/local communities on their return

~ Youth leaders and staff who are supported by the national/local movement in the continuation of the GCE local actions


Fees and Registration

Registration fee: USD100
Participation Fee: USD150 (for full 5 days)
Fees for Macau YMCA participants: USD100

Limited Travel Subsidies will be provided to some Movements.

Deadline of Registration: 30 April 2010


Expected Outcomes

  1. Developed a group of Youth volunteers and staff capable of implementing the GCE Program at the Local and National Levels
  2. Increased the understanding of the concept of GC at each of the National levels and contextualize responses for the same
  3. Realized the QPP Thrust on Global citizenship of the WAY, APAY and the National movements
  4. Developed GCE plan of action by each participating for implementation.

More Information and Registration

Please contact the following for more information:


Ms. Maria Cristina Dalope/Mr. Jose Varghese
Executive Secretaries for Programmes, Asia and Pacific Alliance of YMCAs (APAY)
at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Tel: (+852) 2780 8347/2770 3168

Ms. Ada Iek
Programme Secretary, YMCA of Macau
at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it / Tel: (+853) 2830 2600

GCETot2010.Registration Form GCETot2010.Registration Form (Filesize: 16.5 KB)
GCEToT2010.Tentative Schedule GCEToT2010.Tentative Schedule (Filesize: 58.5 KB)