Report on Executive Committee Meeting, March 2014

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Last Updated (Monday, 24 March 2014 19:13)

There are many things discussed and decided, but out of those the followings are considered as important decisions.


1. Importance of Bible Study especially for young people in the present context. We may conduct a workshop in 2014.


2. Decided to conduct GATF campaign for 1 million USD as our goal for 2015 GA time (campaign complete end of 2016). We will request all National movements, local YMCAs and individuals for supporting GATF. All interest from this endowment fund (average 90,000 to 100,000 USD per year) will be used for Youth Development during the next Quadrennial term (Global Citizenship promotion, and New Change Agents (could be 100 young people) training.


3. Many discussions were held over youth empowerment and future strategies on Change Agents. After the World Council, new change agents will be recruited, possibly 100 youth. Need to develop a concrete plan and TOF for new change agents.


4. GCI (Global Citizenship Institute for staff) in May-June, One Million Voices, World Challenge (June 5-8), Work camp in the Philippines in May, Youth Conference in August will be conducted in 2014. The details will be sent soon.


5. YMCA and Y’s Men met and exchanged MOU for further collaboration in the following matters. We will evaluate and Renew the MOU annually


  1. Request all the YMCAs (nationals, locals) to meet and make own MOU with the Y’s Men’s Clubs in local, districts, and National levels (I have attached the MOU we agreed during the ECM, this is a copy of Asia Area and APAY, and same MOU was agreed in Korea and India Areas)
  2. Discuss creating Mutual presence of leaders ofYMCA and Y’s Men in respective board meetings or joint meetings
  3. Create a Joint project for the sake of community and youth
  4. Support extension for Y’s Men’s clubs where YMCA exists
  5. Support together in Natural disaster responses
  6. Cooperate concretely in GCI, YE, TOF, Green initiatives, GATN, etc.
  7. Conduct training to YMCA staff and members of Principles of partnership


6. Constitutional change includes four Vice presidents staying for two years as observers of the new board meeting.(Vice Presidents of APAY stay in board as observers till ECM 2017).


7. AJOU University (Korea) Master’s program for NGO management was introduced, and further information will be sent to all the Movements.


8. Gender Committee recommended formation of Gender Committee, Gender Ambassador Award in GA, and training Gender mainstreaming agenda for new Change Agents.


Reported by Kohei Yamada, General Secretary, APAY


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