33rd Advanced Studies Programmes

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The Advanced Studies Program is one of the flagship programs of APAY, this was launched in the year 1982, since then APAY have successfully completed 33 batches of Advanced Studies Program throughout these years. The exception was the year 1983, when the Advanced Studies Program could not be held.


With the completion of the 33rd Advanced Studies Program in 2015, now the total number of YMCA professionals, who have successfully completed this program stands at 424. Most of these YMCA professionals are from various YMCA movements our region of Asia & Pacific. This also includes 19 YMCA professionals participating from Africa and 17 from Latin America and the Caribbean.


This year the 33rd Advanced Studies Program started from 2nd November and ended on 27th November. The participants were Ashim Mondal from Bangladesh, DeChang Liu and BaoHong Li from China, Chi Kwan Shan (Vivian) and Po Tin So from Hong Kong, Kurian Paul from India, Takeshi Murakami from Japan, Shirly Bondoc from Philippines, Leslie Sudirikku from Srilanka, and Mei-Wen Sue (Susan) from Taiwan. A total number of 10 participants.


The subjects covered during 33rd Advanced Studies Program are (i) the YMCA Mission, (ii) Contextual Theology & Social Responses, (iii) Social Realities & Analysis, (iv) Global Citizenship Education, (v), Interfaith Dialogue, Peace Building and Conflict Resolution, (vi) Alternative Tourism (vii) Movement Strengthening, (vii) Organizational Review (viii), Good Governance in the YMCA, (ix) YMCA as a Movement, (x) Resource Mobilization, (xi) Strategic Planning Process, (xii) Gender Mainstreaming, (xiii) Youth Empowerment and (xiv) Spiritual Exercises.


The faculty comprised of Dr. David Suh from Korea, Prof. Elmer Ferrer from Philippines, Max Ediger from Cambodia, Ron Coulombe from Canada, Dr. Hope Antone, Hassler Lee and Carman Wong from Hong Kong and Nam Boo Won, Kohei Yamada, Chan Beng Seng, Duncan Chowdhury from APAY.


We are grateful to the Y’s Men International for financially supporting with subsidies for some participants and the Hong Kong Council of YMCAs for subsidizing the participants from mainland China.


We are also indebted to the Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong and YMCA of Hong Kong for their continuous support to host the Advanced Studies Program here in Hong Kong, especially hosting the entire program at Wu Kwai Sha Youth Village, Graduation Ceremony and sumptuous dinners including the Welcome Dinner.