Our Mission

Mission of the YMCA

The Basis of the YMCA, commonly known as The Paris Basis was formulated at the First World Conference of YMCAs held in Paris in 1855. In 1973, at the 6 th World Council of YMCAs held in Kampala, Africa, the Kampala Principles , an interpretative statement of the Paris Basis, was adopted. Challenge 21 , an evolution of the Kampala Principles and that enunciates challenges in the Mission of the YMCA, was adopted by the 14 th World Council of YMCAs in 1998 in Frechen, Germany. In 1999, the 15 th General Assembly of the Asia Alliance of YMCAs held in Manila, Philippines, officially adopted the Asia YMCA Statement Mission formulated at the 1997 Mission Review held in Tozanso, Japan.