Youth Empowerment

‘Light the Way to the Future of Work for Young People’

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‘Light the Way to the Future of Work for Young People’

Celebrating the International Youth Day on August 12th, “Light the Way to the Future of Work for young people” Youth Webinar brought together 93 participants from various YMCAs of 19 countries across the Asia-Pacific region to engage in meaningful discussions focused on the theme of meaningful work for young people. Four speakers gave thought-provoking presentations that inspired and energized all who attended. In a time where unemployment is a huge youth issue, the first session presented key insights to guide our meaningful work pillar and the second session showcased inspiring youth narratives and YMCA’s impactful meaningful work initiatives.

Spotlight on Insights from Our Speakers:

1. Building a Global Movement on Meaningful Work
by Rehana Merali Merchant, Pillar Lead for Meaningful Work, World YMCA

Rehana shared exciting news about the recent YMCA survey on meaningful work, which gathered responses from over 10,000 young people across 127 countries! A special thanks goes to the youth of APAY for contributing the largest proportion (40%) of participants.

This data has led to a groundbreaking new framework for promoting and guiding meaningful work within different YMCAs worldwide. Rehana emphasized the new global definition:

“Meaningful work is fair, fulfilling, and positively influences the growth and well-being of young people and their communities.”

Looking forward, World YMCA aims to create more tools and resources to help local YMCAs identify their current stage and advance their efforts to offer purpose-driven careers, thanks to this collective momentum.

2. Youth Finding Passion and Purpose
by Ayomi Darshika Fernando, Vicechair of APAY YPLD Committee

Ayomi’s journey is one of perseverance and passion. She remained steadfast despite the obstacles and make the most out of the unexpected opportunities. She highlighted how YMCA’s support and leadership opportunities were crucial in shaping her journey to find passion in software Engineering. This story serves as a beacon of hope, illustrating capability and resilience of youth to turn obstacles into opportunities and moreover, the impact of community’s collective efforts in nurturing young leaders who persevere in the face of challenges.

3. Youth Entrepreneurship – A transformative work to solve a real-world issue
by Kelvin Tsui, Co-founder and CEO of ReCube

As the entrepreneur of a startup addressing plastic waste during Covid-19 in Hong Kong, Kelvin’s journey was inspired by his volunteer experience at YMCA and internships across various industries. The ‘ReCube’ stands for ‘R3=Reuse – Reward - Reduce’, providing the reusable tableware rental service. His advice was to start small, iterate, and persist. There are many practical opportunities for youth entrepreneurs. His story is a reminder that meaningful work often starts with a simple idea that grows into impactful solutions for social issues in our communities and becomes concrete with persistence.

4. YMCA Empowering Youth at Risk – bridging gaps
by Amos Chua, Head of Department, Youth Support, YMCA of Singapore

Amos shared the incredible impact of the Vocational and Soft Skill Programme (VaSSP), which has been equipping out-of-school youth and youth-at-risk aged 14-21 for 13 years. Through this program, participants gained critical soft and vocational skills, boosting their employability and integrating them into the workforce. The program’s success showcases how practical skills combined with mentorship can transform lives and provide a path to meaningful work.

Looking Forward: A Call to Action for All of Us for Youth Empowerment

The webinar was more than just an event—it was a call to action. Whether it’s guiding a young person toward their passion, offering resources for entrepreneurial ventures, supporting vocational training, or sharing inspirational message, we each have a role to play in lighting the way toward meaningful work. As we continue building this movement, your involvement remains vital.

Let’s Keep the Momentum Going!

Stay connected with us as we roll out new tools, partnerships, and opportunities in this quadrennial for youth empowerment and leadership. By working together, we can ensure that every young person finds not only a job but a fulfilling career that makes a difference.

Thank you for your continued support and dedication to our mission. Together, we’re empowering the next generation to lead with purpose and passion.

By Lin Chi Sheng (Sammy),

APAY Board member & YPLD Committee member


YMCA Manila’s Youth Committee Elevates Young Leaders and Gender Equality

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Pioneering Progress: YMCA Manila’s Youth Committee Elevates Young Leaders and Gender Equality

The Youth Leadership and Development Committee (YLDC) of the YMCA of Manila, under the leadership of its Chair, Czieloh Villajin, has successfully orchestrated two significant projects in 2024, demonstrating their commitment to empowering youth and promoting gender equality.


Women's Y Sportsfest: Championing Gender Equality in Athletics

In an initiative aligned with International Women's Month, the YLDC, in partnership with the Gender Equity Committee (GEC), launched the Women's Y Sportsfest in March 2024. This event addresses the historical disparities in recognition and opportunities for women in sports in the Philippines.

The event kicked off with an exciting exhibition game in March, setting the stage for the first-ever YMCA Women’s Basketball Tournament whose discipline has traditionally seen less female participation.


As the eliminations concluded on August 25, 2024, the anticipation builds for the grand finals scheduled for September 8, 2024. This event not only celebrates women's athletic prowess but also serves as a powerful platform to challenge stereotypes and inspire future generations of female athletes.

Equipping Youth Through Effective Fundraising Workshop

Recognizing the importance of sustainable resources for youth-led initiatives, the YLDC organized a fundraising workshop on August 24, 2024. Titled "Fundraising Strategies: Effective Tools, Tips, and Tactics," this workshop equipped YLDC members, College Y Officers, and Hi-Y Officers with essential skills in grant writing and resource mobilization.

The workshop covered various aspects of fundraising, including:

●      Preparing organizations for fundraising

●      Leveraging modern tools like social media and crowdfunding

●      Identifying funding opportunities

●      Writing compelling narratives

●      Budgeting for projects

Participants engaged in hands-on exercises and received constructive feedback on their outputs. This practical approach ensures that the YMCA of Manila's youth leaders are well-prepared to secure funding for future projects.

Leadership Rooted in Experience and Global Perspective

Czieloh Villajin brings a wealth of experience and global perspective to her role as YLDC Chair. As the Philippines representative to Cohort 5 of the YMCA Change Agents programme, she has received extensive training in various areas such as Communication for Change, Good Design, and Fundraising. Her personal experiences with fundraising challenges as a student have informed her approach, making the workshop content both relatable and practical for participants.

In addition to her role with the YLDC, Villajin chairs the GEC and represents the YMCA Philippines on the Gender Equity Committee of the Asia Pacific Alliance of YMCAs (APAY). Her successful completion of the Change Agents programme will culminate in her attendance at the Mombasa Acceleration Summit and graduation in Kenya this October, further enhancing her ability to drive positive change within the Y community.

A Vision for the Future

Reflecting on these initiatives, Villajin shared, “Through our previous and upcoming projects, we're not just organizing events—we're building a foundation for lasting change. We're equipping our youth to break barriers, challenge norms, and create sustainable solutions for our community. By combining our focus on gender equity with practical skills in fundraising, we're equipping our young leaders to make a real difference."

As these projects unfold, the YLDC of YMCA Manila continues to demonstrate its commitment to nurturing young leaders, promoting gender equality, and ensuring the sustainability of youth-driven programs. These efforts serve as an inspiring model for YMCAs across the Asia Pacific region and beyond, showcasing the power of youth-led initiatives in creating positive social change.


“From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development”

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International Youth Day 2024

“From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development”

The 2024 International Youth Day was celebrated in Myanmar YMCA Hall 104 on August 12, 2024, with 80 young participants. The event's theme, “From Clicks to Progress: Youth Digital Pathways for Sustainable Development,” was in line with the 2024 International Youth Day theme.

A photo booth was set up for participants to capture memories, and a handprint activity symbolized the spirit of International Youth Day. The program consisted of two sessions.

In the morning session, Program Manager Saw Tun Lu led the opening prayer, which was followed by an opening speech from U Maung Maung Win, General Secretary of the National YMCA Myanmar. Dr. Thaw Zin Soe, Chairman of the Myanmar YMCA Youth Department Committee, provided a brief history of International Youth Day and introduced the 2024 theme. Mr. Sa Samuel then delivered a lecture on digital knowledge, aligned with the day’s theme.

The second session featured a Zumba program led by Mrs. Su Pan Htet, which kept the youth energized and relaxed. Following this, Saw Wai Yan Min Htut, Acting Secretary of the Myanmar YMCA Youth Department, briefed the participants on the department’s ongoing activities. The event concluded with a closing prayer and a vote of thanks by Nant Zar Lin, Acting Secretary of the Myanmar YMCA Youth Department.


Saw Tun Lu and Team,

Program Manager,

Sustainable Development, Strengthening Youth Employment Program(SDSYE),

Myanmar YMCA


"Clean Spaces, Happy Faces: Let's Keep our Surrounding Clean"

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"Clean Spaces, Happy Faces Let's Keep our Surrounding Clean"

Savar Young Men's Christian Association organized a two-day cleanliness program in their local areas in Savar Upazila on the 23-24 August 2024 to increase social awareness.

We are aware that the earth's surface temperature is rising every day due to climate change. Bangladesh, being a disaster-prone country, is facing severe calamities as a result. Every year, we experience various disasters such as floods, droughts, and cyclones. Currently, a rapid increase in Dengue Fever cases in Bangladesh is causing havoc, with many affected being admitted to hospitals daily.

About 35 young people from different local organization, such as Dharenda Mission Tarun Songa, Dharenda Jubo Kallan Songa, Kamlapur Jubo Shomitee, Saint Vincent Club Rajashon, Dewgaon Agroni Jubo Songa, Caritas Technical School students, local leaders, Savar YMCA members, Executive Bord members, youth members and office staffs are attended the program. At the beginning of the program the President of Savar YMCA said, “we Savar YMCA want to work with the youth people all times. We believe that youth are the strength of our society and our country. And we also believe youth can change our society and our country because they have that knowledge, wisdom, conscience, strength and courage”.

At present, Bangladesh is experiencing heavy rainfall, and many districts have already been flooded. About 3 million people in the northeastern region of Bangladesh are living miserable lives due to the floods. Therefore, the President calls on all youths to protect our environment and keep it clean so that we can avoid the bad effects of climate change and help people become aware.

The first-day cleaning program started at 7:00 a.m. in Dharenda village. The large bushes made it difficult for the village people and vehicles to move freely, resulting in many road accidents. The people in the community appreciated and thanked the team for the work.

On the second day, we worked in Dewgaon village cleaning garbage. This raised awareness about the people who unconsciously throw trash on the streets and markets, which also causes many diseases, such as dengue, malaria, and skin diseases. The village people encouraged us and thanked us for our work.

Finally, Savar YMCA sincerely thanked all the volunteers who participated in the program. All present also expressed many thanks to Savar YMCA for arranging the program. They hope Savar YMCA organizes more awareness programs in the future. At the same time, Savar YMCA expressed strong optimism about working with them.


Shyamal Francis Paroi

General Secretary

Savar YMCA


Rising Stars - Adventure Youth Camp

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Rising Stars Youth Adventure Camp Empowers Young Minds with Essential Life Skills

Myanmar YMCA organized “Rising Stars Adventure Youth Camp” from June 24th to 30th, 2024. This youth camp was a transformative Youth Adventure Camp took place in the serene wilderness, Lake Inn Gone village, Pathein Township, Ayeyarwaddy rigion, Myanmar. There were 29 enthusiastic participants aged between 15 to 25 years old actively participated. Nestled amidst nature, this camp wasn't just about thrilling outdoor activities; it was a transformative journey aimed at nurturing crucial life skills.

This youth camp provided an immersive experience in soft skills development, covering Leadership, Self-Management, Ethics, Communication Skills, Problem Solving, Decision Making, Team Building and Volunteerism. These skills were imparted through a series of engaging games, challenges, and interactive sessions designed to push boundaries and foster personal growth.

Throughout the week-long program, participants were guided by skillsful resource person who facilitated workshops and discussions, encouraging reflection and skill application in real-world scenarios. From navigating obstacle courses that required teamwork and effective communication to role-playing exercises that tested decision-making under pressure, every activity was crafted to instill confidence and resilience in the young minds.

“Myanmar YMCA aimed to create an environment where young individuals could not only learn these essential skills but also apply them in practical situations," remarked by Jay, one of the camp organizers. "The response and enthusiasm from the participants were truly inspiring. They embraced challenges, supported each other, and emerged as stronger, more confident individuals by the end of the camp."

The evenings were filled with night program such as discussions, special talk related topics such as environmental conservation and relationship management. And also storytelling sessions, singing competition, talent shows, human drama shows and movie night fostering camaraderie among the participants. Each day concluded with reflections on personal growth and goal setting, ensuring that the lessons learned during the day were internalized and carried forward.

"The camp wasn't just about learning skills; it was about personal discovery," shared Ms. Phaw Phaw San. "I've gained more confidence in my ability to lead and collaborate. These are skills I know will help me in my studies and future career."

As the curtains closed on the Youth Adventure Camp, participants departed with new friendships, unforgettable memories, and a toolbox of skills to navigate life's challenges with confidence and resilience. The organizers look forward to future editions, hoping to continue empowering young generations with the skills they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Myanmar YMCA implementing “Sustainable Development through Strengtheing Youth Employment” Program especially for the youth empowerment in Myanmar even we have more challenging situation happaning. This program is doing many activities such as Youth Camp, Speaker Program, Initial capital fund for scholarship, Internship program, learning and Sharing Workshop and Youth Led communities actions. Aleast 900 youth will be benefit who live in Yangon region, Maubin and Pathein in Ayeyarwaddy region.

Saw Tun Lu


Sustainable Development through Strengthening Youth Employment Program

Myanmar YMCA


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